As fathers and mothers themselves, our board understands the problems and predicaments that face many families in Hong Kong today. These men and women are committed to serving and strengthening families in Hong Kong & the Greater Bay Area of China.
Dr. George So received a Doctorate in Engineering and a double Masters in Chemical Engineering and Business Administration. He held key management positions in Fortune 500 companies before he founded his own companies in HK to engage and invest in high tech and internet related businesses. He founded an award-winning company in Foshan for incorporating community aesthetic arts innovation in property development. He was personally awarded the “Top Ten Innovative Chinese Economic Figures” by the Global Times and the China-Asian Economic Development Association in Beijing, recognizing his achievement in the Foshan company. He recently founded a technology and knowledge transfer platform in Foshan to help HK start-ups to expand into the Greater Bay Area.
Over the years, he has participated in public services both in China & HK. Recently he was invited by the ex-CE Tung Chi Hwa to be one of the Advisers to “Our HK Foundation,” to recommend strategies to help HK to move forward from the recent turbulences.
Dr. George So is the Honorary President of the Full Gospel Businessman Fellowship, HK. He is the advisor to two Christian NGO’s: the Hong Kong Church Network for the Poor and the Citylab. He is the Board of Trustee to the International Christian School and the Cultural Regeneration Research Society founded by Dr. Thomas Leung Yin Shing.
In 2018, he founded Family First Hong Kong and served as its Chairman of the Board.
Adolf received his legal education at the Manchester Metropolitan University and University of Hong Kong respectively and was admitted as a solicitor of the High Court in Hong Kong in 2001. He is currently a practicing solicitor in Hong Kong.
Aside from being a lawyer, Adolf also serves various churches and ministries on a pro bono basis. Before joining Family First Hong Kong, he was a lay Pastor acting in a pastoral and leadership role in a local church. He is also a Board Member and Executive Vice President of Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International (Hong Kong).
​Vision for FFHK
Adolf was born and raised in Hong Kong. He observed that a lot of men in Hong Kong often mistaken the role of the father is merely the financial and materialistic provider to the family. But in fact, the father’s active involvement is crucial to the well-being of the entire family. The father’s love, protection and guidance are also irreplaceable. Adolf wants to help men to realize their true calling in fatherhood and become the men that God have created them to be. As such, Adolf is very pleased and honored to work with Family First HK and others who also shared the same vision.
Ted Lo is a certified public accountant and has been a seasoned accountant for many years. He is also an active member of the Full Gospel Businessmen Fellowship. When Ted first joined the "Family First Hong Kong" as a board member, he was married to his lovely wife Kylie. In June 2020, Kylie and Ted welcomed their first child and now, he gladly serves FFHK not only as a husband, but as a proud father of his son Izaac.
Vision for FFHK
Ted grew up in a single-parent family since he was 3 years old. What he learned from the book “Be a Better Dad Today“ by Hon. Gregory Slayton encouraged him that it is possible to build a strong family of his own despite growing up in a broken family.
His initial intention of joining the Board was to serve FFHK in the capacity of his expertise in accountancy. Little did he know that by volunteering at the “Generous Family Day Camps” and “Stewardship sharing” organized under the Stewardship Journey of FFHK, Ted was equipped with knowledge that impacted his own walk of generosity and giving.
As a new dad, Ted is certain that by integrating and applying what he learns from the Family and the Father’s journeys will equip him to become a better husband, and a better dad. It is also Ted’s desire to take what he learned to empower young and newlywed couples, especially those who grew up like him under the shadow of a broken family. He strongly believes that by strengthening marriages, it is possible to break the perpetuation of family brokenness.
Mrs. Grace So received a First Class Honors in BSc. (Hon) Pharmacy and a Distinction in MSc. Biopharmacy from the London University. Grace qualified as a registered Pharmacist in the United Kingdom and Hong Kong., where she worked as a Pharmacist in hospital, retail and commercial settings before retiring as a full time mother of three.
Vision for FFHK
Grace is married to Mr. George So, the Chairman of FFHK, Together they believe that a healthy and satisfying marriage is the foundation of a strong and happy family. They also believe that it is possible to prevent family breakdowns by:
reconciling family relationships (Family Journey),
resetting concepts on family finances (Stewardship Journey),
rebuilding the separate and yet intertwining roles of husbands and wives in the family (Father's Journey).
FFHK can not do this alone, we are therefore extremely glad to work with our partnering organisations to roll out the three journeys to transform families in HK and beyond,
Mrs. Grace So received a First Class Honors in BSc. (Hon) Pharmacy and a Distinction in MSc. Biopharmacy from the London University. Grace qualified as a registered Pharmacist in the United Kingdom and Hong Kong., where she worked as a Pharmacist in hospital, retail and commercial settings before retiring as a full time mother of three.
Vision for FFHK
Grace is married to Mr. George So, the Chairman of FFHK, Together they believe that a healthy and satisfying marriage is the foundation of a strong and happy family. They also believe that it is possible to prevent family breakdowns by:
reconciling family relationships (Family Journey),
resetting concepts on family finances (Stewardship Journey),
rebuilding the separate and yet intertwining roles of husbands and wives in the family (Father's Journey).
FFHK can not do this alone, we are therefore extremely glad to work with our partnering organisations to roll out the three journeys to transform families in HK and beyond,